Organelle Combo Patches!

30 October 2017 by Owen Osborn

There are four new multipage combo Organelle patches available for download. These combine synthesizers, samplers, effects, and sequencers in a various ways. Check 'em out here: !

These four patches also feature a new effect chooser page, where you can send the audio through one of 13 different effects.

Here are demos of the four patches with visuals on the cathode ray television generated by the ETC video synth responding to the audio:

BS FX PB stands for: Basic Sampler -  Effects - Polybeats. With different samples, you can really go deep on this patch. 


Rampi is a really fun bass synth-style patch. 


Rampi PB is a variation on Rampi which uses the Polybeats sequencer!


Tune D PB turns a drum sound into a synth.